Identify the Idea Praxis: Click on the Idea on the right side of the page that best expresses the main idea of the passage (paragraph) you read on the left. …
Effect to Cause – FIND THIS PATTERN! A text that moves in an Effect to Cause pattern is easier to find because, usually, in the first paragraph, you will find …
Multiple Choice questions seek just one correct answer from a variety of answers. Exam takers have to be aware of all the ways in which the IELTS exam will try …
Your local city council believes elderly drivers over the age of 65 should be required to reapply for their driving licenses. The city is now surveying its citizens on this …
Highlight the Answer Praxis: Read a question on the page. Then read the passage (a paragraph) on the page. Then Highlight the correct answer by dragging the part of the …
The summary completion task asks you to fill in blanks at the end of a sentence provided, where the blanks may be filled in from a given list of words …
Summarize Written Text What makes this part of the PTE exam extremely easy is that most all texts follow either a cause-to-effect or an effect-to-cause pattern. I would say after …
Responding to a Survey Task 2 Survey Format: There are three paragraphs to any opinion response, with a word count of 150 – 200 words, that you should complete in …
Complete the Passage This is another form of a fill in the blank exercise whereby the test-taker has to complete a paragraph with the appropriate sentence instead of a single …
Multiple Choice Multiple-Choice questions seek just one correct answer from a variety of possible answers. Exam takers have to be aware of all the possible ways in which the IELTS …