1 Syllable: Dross (noun)- something that is base, trivial, or inferior Pan (verb) – to criticize severely Bilk (verb) – to obtain (something) by defrauding someone Wax (intransitive verb) – …
There are 8 tasks test-takers will have to master to pass the speaking section of the CELPIP exam. A practice task that is unscored is used to see if the …
Summarize Written Text What makes this part of the PTE exam extremely easy is that most all texts follow either a cause to effect or an effect to cause pattern. …
Complaining: You recently stayed in a hotel in a large city. The weather was extremely warm and the cooling system in your hotel room was unsatisfactory. Write a letter to …
The Paragraph ¶ A paragraph is a group of sentences where every sentence is about the same topic. There are usually 4 parts to a paragraph: 1. Topic sentence, 2. …
Task 6, Listening for Viewpoints Task 6 is the most difficult Listening Task; however, if you have done well on the listening tasks to this point of the Listening test, …
Multiple Choice Single Answer: Remember this is a low-scoring task with only 2 or 3 marks. Multiple Choice Single Answer accentuates the test-taker knowledge of a topic sentence and the …
*** IELTS has now shortened the letter length to 140 words and the essay to 240 words *** (to my knowledge, in March 2021) Inviting: You have recently been …
Connecting (otherwise known as linking, signal, or transition) words and expressions are used either in or between paragraphs to help to show the connection or relationship between sentences and paragraphs. …
Task 5, Listening to a discussion (listen and watch) This task includes a video to watch while you listen. The video will show 3 people engaged in conversation about a …