Sentence Structure Sentence structure is the key to score Band 7 or higher on the writing sections of the IELTS exam. If you can use a variety of sentence structures, …
*** IELTS has now shortened the letter length to 140 words and the essay to 240 words *** (to my knowledge, in March 2021) Inviting: You have recently been to …
RW Fill in the Blanks: Test-takers will be asked to complete 5 or 6 of these tasks on the exam. This is the highest scoring part of the Reading section …
Expressing Opinions Instructions: Task 7 focuses on a social issue that is familiar too many Canadians. Test takers are to state their opinion and then defend it logically They should …
Persuading (no image) Instructions: 60 seconds to take notes, and 60 seconds to respond This task presents a representative situation that may occur in a person’s daily life. Test-takers are …
The Formal Letter assumes you have not met the person you are writing to, so the greeting is Dear Sir or Madame, and the sign-off is Yours faithfully, (both are …
Reorder Paragraph: This is the 3rd highest scoring task in the Reading section. The two most common paragraph types/genre are anecdotal (story paragraphs) and topical newspaper and magazine articles. …
Parts of Speech, especially nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs, are extremely important to know. Parts of speech (articles ‘a’, ‘an’, and ‘the’ are not included in this set) Parts of …
Types of Prompts Problem Solution This prompt features a problem and you are to provide 2 reasons for the problem in the first paragraph. In the second paragraph you …
Task 2: Talking about Personal Experience Instructions: The test-taker will be asked to talk about something that happened to them: This task tests the speaker’s ability to tell a …