Highlight Incorrect Word: Remember: there is ‘negative marking’ for this task: 1 mark for a correct answer, but you lose one mark for an incorrect answer (the lowest possible …
Position: spend money on consumes Introduction Neutral statement: Costumes are important when doing a production of a play. Implicit thesis statement: Detailed costumes that support the exact period of a …
You are a volunteer at the local community theater group. You have been asked whether the group should spend its money on costumes or on storage. Options: Which alternative do you support? …
PTE Listening: Note: The highest scoring of the 8 Tasks in the Listening part of this test are: Highlight Incorrect Word, Fill in the Blanks, Write from Dictation, and Summarize …
. Identifying the Writer’s views and claims (YES/NO/NOT GIVEN) Notice that it is the Writer’s views and claims that are asked to be identified and the responses are YES/NO/NOT GIVEN. …
The Rules The rules for the Duolingo exam are very important. You will take the test online from your own home, but you cannot interact with anyone else in the …
Speaking Sample Praxis: Test-takers will be asked to speak for 3 minutes on a given topic written on their computer screen. Directions will appear for 30 seconds (then disappear) before …
Test-takers will be asked to complete 2 or 3 of these tasks on the exam. There will be 5 to 7 answer options for each task and 2 or 3 …
For this task, test takers are to label specific parts of a diagram, plan, technical drawing (a machine), or something found in nature. You must select words from a text …
A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near your community. Options: Do you support or oppose the factory? Explain your position. Give reasons for your …