ESL/ EFL: The closing sentence of a paragraph
Closing Sentence
What is the closing sentence?
The closing sentence is the last sentence in a paragraph.
What does it do?
It signals the end of the paragraph and summarizes the points (i.e. the supporting details)
discussed in the body of the paragraph.
How do I write one?
You simply restate the supporting details of the paragraph using words different from the
ones in the topic sentence.
(…) In conclusion, Quebec City is certainly a marvelous place to visit due to its many
outdoor facilities and eating establishments.
Other important characteristics to remember:
In addition to the three structural parts of a paragraph, a good paragraph also has unity
and coherence as well as appropriate vocabulary.
• Unity means that only one main idea is discussed.
• Coherence means that the paragraph is easy to read and understand because (1)
the sentences are in a logical order and (2) the ideas are connected by the use of
appropriate transition signals, such as connecting words/expressions (i.e. first of all,
for example, another important characteristic, and in conclusion, just to name a
• The vocabulary used in the paragraph must be topic-specific, clear, correct and